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The 2022 scholarship application is now closed.
- You must be an international student from India.
- You must be an entering or continuing student in a graduate program at a Canadian university.
- You must demonstrate financial need (details in the application form). This scholarship must be used for educational purposes, such as funding tuition costs, textbook or required material costs, and/or living expenses while enrolled in graduate studies.
- You must demonstrate exceptional leadership and community involvement, promising career aspirations, outstanding academic achievement, and a desire to continue serving the community after attaining your educational goals.
[/mk_fancy_title][mk_fancy_title color=”#ce8e40″ size=”36″ font_family=”none”]Application Form[/mk_fancy_title][mk_button dimension=”outline” size=”large” icon=”mk-icon-file-text” url=”https://ic-impacts.com/khare/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Pradeep-Memorial-Application-2022.docx” target=”_blank” margin_bottom=”20″ margin_right=”0″ outline_skin=”custom” outline_active_color=”#ce8e40″ outline_active_text_color=”#ce8e40″ outline_hover_bg_color=”#ce8e40″ outline_hover_color=”#e7e8e8″]Download the 2022 Application[/mk_button][mk_padding_divider][mk_fancy_title color=”#ce8e40″ size=”36″ font_family=”none”]Application Process[/mk_fancy_title][mk_fancy_title color=”#e7e8e8″ size=”18″ line_height=”150″ letter_spacing=”1″ font_family=”none”]
- Required Documents:
- Curriculum Vitae (maximum of 2 pages, you may include a 3rd page for publications)
- Application Form (including five essay questions)
- Interview and Reference Letters:
- Based on the aforementioned two documents, applicants will be short-listed. Short-listed applicants will be invited to complete a virtual interview.
- Short-listed applicants will also be asked to provide the contact information of 2 referees. Referees will be e-mailed an electronic reference form directly. One of these referees must be an academic referee who has taught you during your undergraduate or graduate work. Referees cannot be personal friends or relatives.
- Award winners will be requested to provide transcripts of all post-secondary work, as well as proof of enrolment in a graduate program at a Canadian University
[/mk_fancy_title][mk_fancy_title color=”#ce8e40″ size=”36″ font_family=”none”]Timeline[/mk_fancy_title][mk_fancy_title color=”#e7e8e8″ size=”18″ line_height=”150″ letter_spacing=”1″ font_family=”none”]
- Applications open on June 13, 2022.
Applications due by August 5, 2022.Deadline Extended to August 19, 2022!- Short-listed applicants will be contacted and interviews scheduled in late August 2022.
- All applicants will be contacted regarding their application status by late September 2022.
[/mk_fancy_title][mk_fancy_title color=”#ce8e40″ size=”36″ font_family=”none”]Questions[/mk_fancy_title][mk_fancy_title color=”#e7e8e8″ size=”18″ line_height=”150″ letter_spacing=”1″ font_family=”none”]For any questions regarding the scholarship, please contact info@pradeepmemorial.com.
For any technical or uploading issues, please contact info@ic-impacts.com.[/mk_fancy_title]