The Pradeep Khare Memorial Scholarship was established in 2016 by Pradeep’s family. It is awarded in memory of Pradeep, an immigrant to Canada in 1972, who worked hard to establish a fulfilling life in Canada, give back to the community, and move up to senior positions within the Canadian government. In memory of Pradeep, this scholarship is awarded to a student who demonstrates leadership, drive, self-reflection, academic excellence, and a desire to use their privileged education in order to give back to their community, and who has financial need.


About Pradeep


Pradeep left India and came to Canada in 1972 on a scholarship to complete a Master’s degree in Engineering. This scholarship was an opportunity to study abroad, which he would never have had otherwise. As a young student in India, he had always been bright, placing at the top of statewide academic rankings, gaining entry into the prestigious IIT Roorkee Engineering College, and placing amongst the top students within his Engineering class. After completing his Master’s, he entered the Canadian workforce. However, he quickly learned that academic excellence and hard work were not the only ingredients required to build a successful career; rather, leadership, initiative, communication, teamwork, and adaptability were all key qualities in a candidate.

Over the course of 37 years, Pradeep built a successful and rewarding career in Canada, assuming roles as Deputy Commissioner of the BC Oil and Gas Commission, Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs, and Director General for Environment Canada in Ontario and BC. Believing strongly in volunteerism, Pradeep also served as President of the BC Water and Waste Association and Treasurer of the Water Environment Federation.

He brought about countless improvements to government systems and various communities in the fields of environment, multicultural affairs, clean water, and energy. His career culminated with his position as Chief Operating Officer of the National Energy Board.

After retiring from this position, he took some time to reflect upon his humble beginnings and authored a book titled An Immigrant’s Tale, and Lessons for Success in the New Country. This short story uses Pradeep’s personal story to highlight the challenges, rewards, and lessons learned during immigration.

Throughout his career, Pradeep always maintained a commitment to community service, promoting education and youth development, and serving both of his home countries: India and Canada. His opportunity to flourish in Canada was initially made possible by a scholarship, and Pradeep believed that financial constraints shouldn’t stand in the way of a young student’s education. With this in mind, the Pradeep Khare Memorial Scholarship was established.

Pradeep passed away far too soon on June 17, 2015, after a battle with an aggressive form of cancer. He was 65.


Scholarship Requirements

This scholarship is intended for a well-rounded individual with the following criteria in mind:

  1. You must be an international student from India.
  2. You must be an entering or continuing student in a graduate program at a Canadian university.
  3. You must demonstrate financial need (details in the application form). This scholarship must be used for educational purposes, such as funding tuition costs, textbook or required material costs, and/or living expenses while enrolled in graduate studies.
  4. You must demonstrate exceptional leadership and community involvement, promising career aspirations, outstanding academic achievement, and a desire to continue serving the community after attaining your educational goals.


Required Documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae (maximum of 2 pages, you may include a 3rd page for publications)
  • Application Form (including five essay questions)


Interview and Reference Letters:

  • Based on the aforementioned two documents, applicants will be short-listed. Short-listed applicants will be invited to complete a virtual interview.
  • Short-listed applicants will also be asked to provide the contact information of 2 referees. Referees will be e-mailed an electronic reference form directly. One of these referees must be an academic referee who has taught you during your undergraduate or graduate work. Referees cannot be personal friends or relatives.
  • Award winners will be requested to provide transcripts of all post-secondary work, as well as proof of enrolment in a graduate program at a Canadian University


Important Dates

  • Applications open on July 30, 2024
  • Applications due by September 30, 2024 (extended to October 12, 2024)
  • All applicants will be contacted regarding their application status by end of November



Please use the IC-IMPACTS Submission Portal to upload and submit your applications.


For any questions regarding the scholarship, please e-mail both [email protected] and [email protected]

For any technical or uploading issues, please contact [email protected]



The Khare family would like to thank IC-IMPACTS for their guidance in establishing this scholarship and their continued logistical support.