Due to unforeseen circumstances, IC-IMPACTS has been requested to postpone the event to February. New dates will be announced soon! We apologies for the inconvenience. Please check back for updates.
IC-IMPACTS is hosting the third annual India-Canada Science & Technology Innovation Dialogue.
The event will be held on Zoom in webinar format. Please note that registration is required and the webinar link will be emailed to all registered participants before the event starts.
IC-IMPACTS has been fortunate so far in having support from the Governments of Canada and India and we look forward to growing support from both sides as we expand the Centre. We are extending our invitation to officials from both governments, Canadian University Presidents, IIT Directors, influential researchers and community partners.
Day 1:
Following previous years’ successful summits with officials from both governments, Canadian University Presidents, IIT Directors, influential researchers and community partners in attendance, IC-IMPACTS is hosting the third annual India-Canada Science & Technology Innovation Dialogue.
Day 2:
We are delighted to announce a student led session on Commercialization.