Thondebavi Community Members Share Positive Stories From New Road

Community members from Thondebavi shared some inspiring stories and outcomes with the Centre after the installation of the new advanced pavements laid last fall.

The community was very accepting of new technologies and welcomed a living laboratory approach, allowing the community to observe differences in the three pavement sections over time.  The remarkable positive change resulting from the completed pavements was surprising.

10 families in the community purchased new cars to make use of the new pavement, and 5 families renovated their existing home inspired by the new pavements outside their doors.  A community member with a lower body disability shared that he felt empowered and now has increased mobility despite his condition.

Overall the 1000 residents of Thondebavi were deeply inspired as the new roads provided access to nearby cities and markets, significantly stimulating the local economy.

In October 2015, IC-IMPACTS completed construction of it’s advanced pavement project in Thondebavi, India.  The new super-durable pavement developed by IC-IMPACTS uses 60% less cement and early tests indicate that this new design will last at least 15 years.

The community response showed IC-IMPACTS the extent of how infrastructure can shape, change, and impact a community.