IC-IMPACTS Research Project:

Structural Health Monitoring of Tall Buildings Using Vibration-Based Techniques

Timir Baran Roy is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Building Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (specialization: Structural Engineering) at Concordia University. Before joining Concordia, he completed an M.Sc. in Civil Engineering at the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal (2015) and a B.Eng. in Construction Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India (2012). He worked as the BCEE Representative at the Engineering and Computer Science Graduate Association (ECSGA) at Concordia during the period of May 2017 to July 2018. During that time, he held the position of Graduate Students’ Representative of the BCEE Department Faculty Council. In January 2018 he founded the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Concordia Student Chapter (EERIC) under the umbrella of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland, US, and Graduate Students’ Association, Concordia University; since the foundation, he has been serving as the President of the chapter. In January 2018, Timir also founded the Civil Engineering Association Concordia (CEAC) under the umbrella of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), US and Graduate Students’ Association, Concordia University; since the foundation, he has been working as the Corresponding Secretary of the same. In December 2018, he was nominated for the position of the Quebec Regional Coordinator of the Student Engagement Committee (SEC) of IC-IMPACTS Network. He is an active panellist at the Student Tribunals at Concordia University.

In the Graduate Student’s Association of Concordia University, Timir holds the position of a Senator, representing graduate students at the Concordia University Senate, which is the highest academic decision-making body of the university. In the Senate, he is actively involved in the Senate Steering Committee, Senate Academic Planning and Priorities Committee and the Senate Research Committee.

In the Graduate Student’s Association of Concordia University, Timir also holds the position of the Chair of the GSA Council of Directors. His job includes calling and chairing monthly meetings of the GSA Council/special meetings, setting the agenda, mediate meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order (11th ed.), convene annual General Assembly etc.